Program     Registration 


The registration for the 12th GSCN Conference is open.

 Register here!

Deadline for the submission of abstracts for posters: 23 August 2024
Deadline for abstracts to be considered for oral presentation: NEW: 5 July 2024

A linited number of Travel Awards will be available for the GSCN conference. See our ➙ awards webpage for more information!

Registration fees

 Status  until 5 July 2024  after 5 July 2024
 Regular non-member  € 520  € 620
 Regular member *  € 300  € 400
 Student non-member * please send us the student confirmation  € 260  € 310
 Student member * please send us the student confirmation  € 150  € 200
 Technical assistant * please send us the TA confirmation  € 130  € 180
 ELSA Symposium  €   50  €   70


Daytickets for single conference days ranging from 100 - 220 € (depending on the status) are available at the conference site at the registration.

* Membership application and can be downloaded  here and student confirmation and student/technical assistants confirmation forms  here will be required for the registration.

The registration fee includes the admission to all scientific sessions, additional scientific events, poster sessions,  industry exhibition and conference documents including final program and abstract book. An entrance fee for the networking event on Thursday, September 26, 2024 will be collected on site.

Additional scientific events

In the process registration for additional scientific events is possible:

  • Non-PI Meeting (24 September 2024)
  • Symposium on ethical, legal and social aspects (ELSA) of stem cell research (25 & 26 September 2024)

Note: At the GSCN Conference pictures, recordings and films may be taken. Registered participants have to agree with their registration, that all pictures taken, recordings and films made during the conference which might show the participant can be used for publishing in media channels (i.e. website, print materials), and that they have no right to claim compensation for the use of any such pictures or film footage. Scientific data will be protected and not be shared outside the conference by the organizers.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact:

German Stem Cell Network (GSCN)
Antje Veldhues
phone: +49 (0)30-450 54 36 38

Technical Support for online registration:

phone: +49 (0)511 10 54 894

Abstract submission

 Submit abstract here (you have to be registered)

NOTE: Deadline for Early Bird Registration and Submission of Abstracts considered for oral presentation extended to 5 July 2024.

You must be registered to submit an abstract. The submission of abstracts to be considered for Oral Presentation (Oral or Poster) is open until 5 July 2024. Abstracts can be submitted for poster presentation only until 23 August 2024. Selections for oral presentation will be informed after reviewing mid of August.

Abstract submission requires a title of maximal 150 characters and an abstract text of maximal 300 words. Abstracts will be shown in the conference program in a similar style, however, some editing is possible using HTML code (italic, bold, underline, super- or subscript). Pictures and graphics cannot be included in the abstract. Abstracts have to be assigned to a scientific session:

Scientific sessions

  • Pluripotency and reprograming
  • Somatic stem cells and development
  • Hematopoietic stem cells
  • Stem cells in aging and diseases: cancer stem cells
  • Stem cells in regenerative therapies
  • Stem cells in disease modeling and drug development
  • Stem cell organoids
  • Computational stem cell biology and systems biology

Poster awards ( Awards)
There will be four poster awards. The awardees will receive € 500. Authors are asked to be present at the poster award ceremony, which will take place on Friday, 27 September 2024.

Oral presentation
The first author of the abstract is intended to give the lecture. The talks will be 12 minutes long followed by 3 minutes discussion. Abstracts selected for oral presentation may in addition be shown as poster presentation to allow further discussion.

Poster presentation
In general abstracts are accepted for poster presentations.
However, abstracts can be rejected based on lack of scientific quality or for ethical or legal reasons.

Posters (DIN A0) will be displayed at the respective poster session and should be hanged and removed at the indicated times.
Authors are asked to present their poster during the respective time slots.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact the or the  technical support.

Poster Specifications

Please prepare the size DIN A 0 portrait for the poster. Otherwise, there are no specifications.
After you have received your poster notification you can find your poster number in the registration system online or you will find the information on site in Ulm in the printed program booklet.

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Gold Supporters

Stem Cell Technologies

Silver Supporters

Bronze Supporters

Life & Barin GmbH

Academic Supporters

FLI Jena
FSU Jena