The registration for the 8th Annual Conference is now closed!
Due to the SARS coronavirus-2 (SARS-Cov-2) and the currently severe restrictions on public life worldwide, the Annual GSCN Conference will take place online (Virtual). The registration fees are adapted to reflect the new format.
Registration fees
Status |
Fees |
Regular non-member |
€ 130 |
Regular member* |
free |
Student non-member * |
€ 50 |
Student member * |
free |
Technical assistant * |
€ 50 |
ELSA Symposium |
free |
* Membership application and student/technical assistants confirmation forms can be downloaded
here and will be required for the free registration.
The registration fee includes the admission to all scientific sessions, additional scientific events, poster sessions, industry exhibition and conference documents including final program and abstract book (electronic).
Additional scientific events
In the process registration for additional scientific events is possible:
- Virtual Non-PI Meeting (22 September 2020)
- Virtual Symposium on ethical, legal and social aspects (ELSA) of stem cell research (24 September 2020)
Note: At the Virtual GSCN Annual Conference pictures, recordings and films may be taken. Registered participants have to agree with their registration, that all pictures taken, recordings and films made during the conference which might show the participant can be used for publishing in media channels (i.e. website, print materials), and that they have no right to claim compensation for the use of any such pictures or film footage. Scientific data will be protected and not be shared outside the conference by the organizers.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact:
German Stem Cell Network (GSCN)
Antje Veldhues
phone: +49 (0)30 9406 2487
Technical Support for online registration:
phone: +49 (0)511 10 54 894