GSCN Scientific Awards

GSCN Awards 2023

The "GSCN 2023 Young Investigator Award" goes to Meike Hohwieler from the Institute of Molecular Oncology and Stem Cell Biology at Ulm University Hospital.

The "GSCN 2023 Hilde Mangold Award" goes to Anne Grapin-Botton from the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG) in Dresden.

The "GSCN 2023 Publication of the Year Award" goes to Ruzhica Bogeska, ... Michael D. Milsom from Division of Experimental Hematology, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) & HI-STEM, receive the GSCN 2023 Publication of the Year Award for the publication “Inflammatory exposure drives long-lived impairment of hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal activity and accelerated aging” in the journal Cell Stem Cell, Aug. 2022.

Find the GSCN press release   
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GSCN Poster Awards

The GSCN Poster Awardees 2023 are:

Kim Krieg, Fraunhofer Institute for Translational Medicine and Pharmacology ITMP, ScreeningPort Hamburg
Modeling metastatic cancer niches for drug discovery using human iPSC-derived brain organoids
Session: Stem cells in disease modeling & drug development

Lennart Valentin Schneider, University Medical Center Göttingen
Neuro-vascular network co-development in a human innervated heart muscle model
Session: Stem cells in disease modeling & drug development

Abdelrahman Mahmoud, Würzburg Institute of Systems Immunology
Cell-DRL: reconstructing causal disease trajectories by deep reinforcement Learnind
Computational stem cell biology & systems biology

Ismail Özcan, Institute of Cell and Systems Biology, University Hamburg
Genetic dissection of in vivo direct cellular reprogramming
Session: Somatic stem cells and development

The Poster Awards have been chosen at the GSCN Conference. A poster jury  selected four outstanding posters from the two poster sessions.  The awardees received € 500. 

The travel awards were sponsored by Getinge.

GSCN Travel Awards

Apply for travel awards to the 11th GSCN Conference.
To apply please send the submitted abstract to the event and a short letter of motivation (max. 1 page) to the GSCN Office ( The letter should contain 1) the importance of the event for the applicant, 2) how the applicant profits from the event and 3) why financial support is important.

Travel Award Winner 2023
Rajesh Vivekanandan (LEBAO, MH Hannover)
Esther Schickel (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Darmstadt)
Thulaj Meharwade (Montreal Clinical Research Institute, Canada)
Sanjana Mathew-Schmitt (Univerity of Würzburg)
The travel awards were sponsored by the GSCN member company Bio-Techne.

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Gold Supporters

Life & Brain
StemCell Technologies

Silver Supporters


Bronze Supporters

Axion Bioscience
iota Sciences
Molecular Devices
OLS Omni
Thermo Fisher

Academic Supporters

Uni Ulm