The 11th GSCN Conference featured excellent keynote speaker:

M. Goodell Jan Lohmann H. Nakauchi Maike Sander Fiona Watt
(Houston) (Heidelberg) (Stanford) (Berlin) (Heidelberg)
It was an exciting conference in Ulm with a dense program with national and international highlights, broad poster sessions, many presentations from all fields of stem cell research, two social get-togethers and a great and well-attended exciting industry exhibition. After two attempts, which were prevented by Corona measures, the GSCN finally succeded to celebrate its annual highlight in Ulm. We congratulated Hartmut Geiger, the local organizer and GSCN president of 2019 and 2020 and his team to an amazing organization.
With best regards,
Claudia Waskow (Jena), acting GSCN president