Program     Registration 

GSCN Scientific Awards

GSCN Awards 2025

A top-class commission will support the GSCN in choosing this year´s awardees. The three ­awardees will give a presentation in the Presidential Symposium on Thursday, 16 October 2025 at 14:00 – 16:15 h in the Plenary Hall.

The awards are:

GSCN 2025 Young Investigator Award

GSCN 2025 Hilde Mangold Award

GSCN 2025 Publication of the Year Award


GSCN Poster Awards

There will be two poster awards for each poster session. The poster jury will determine the Poster Award winners during the conference.
The awardees will receive € 500 each. Authors are asked to be present at the poster award ceremony on Friday, 17 October 2025 at 15:30 – 15:50 h in the Plenary Hall.

GSCN Travel Awards

Apply for travel awards to the 13th GSCN Conference.

To apply please send the submitted abstract to the event and a short letter of motivation (max. 1 page) to the GSCN Office (✎ The letter should contain 1) the importance of the event for the applicant, 2) how the applicant profits from the event and 3) why financial support is important.

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Gold Supporters

Silver Supporters


Bronze Supporters

Stem Genomics

Academic Supporters

Helmholtz Munich